31st edition, August 31 to September 15, 2019
Guillermo Arias / AFP
The Caravan
Valerio Bispuri
Patrick Chauvel
50 Years on the Front Line
Olivier Coret / pour Le Figaro Magazine
France’s Yellow Vests – Les gilets jaunes
Abdulmonam Eassa
The Unhoped-for End to the Siege
Eric Hadj / pour Paris Match
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Yellow Vests, Sunday
Ed Jones / AFP
The Koreas - Across the Peninsula
Alain Keler
Diary of a Photographer
Adriana Loureiro Fernandez
Paradise lost
Kirsten Luce / National Geographic / NG Image Collection
The Dark Side of Wildlife Tourism
Pascal Maitre / National Geographic
The Sahel in Danger – A Time Bomb
Laura Morton
University Avenue
Frédéric Noy
Lake Victoria, Slowly Dying
Louie Palu / National Geographic
Distant Early Warning
Brent Stirton
Kasia Strek
The Price of Choice
Goran Tomasevic
Another Civil War in Libya
Ivor Prickett / The New York Times
End of the Caliphate
Lorenzo Tugnoli / The Washington Post
The Crisis in Yemen
Dar Yasin
Kashmir: Endless War
Alvaro Ybarra Zavala
1984 - Venezuela
Lynsey Addario / National Geographic / Getty Images
Maternal Mortality
Cyril Abad / Hans Lucas
In God We Trust
Ville de Perpignan Rémi Ochlik Visa d'or Award
Adriana Loureiro Fernandez
Paradise lost
ICRC Humanitarian Visa d’or Award – International Committee of the Red Cross
Abdulmonam Eassa
The Unhoped-for End to the Siege