21th edition, August 29 to September 13, 2009
Abbas / Magnum Photos
In Whose Name?
Alexandra Avakian / Contact Press Images
Windows of the Soul: My Journeys in the Muslim World
David Burnett / Contact Press Images
44 Days - Iran & the Remaking of the World
Sarah Caron
Françoise Demulder
Tribute to Fifi
Viktor Drachev / Agence France-Presse
Wit & Gravitas
Stanley Greene / NOOR
San Francisco ’75. Flashback – The Western Front - No Regrets
Brenda Ann Kenneally
Upstate Girls - What Became of Collar City
François Le Diascorn
Only in America
Brennan Linsley / The Associated Press
Ulla Lohmann
Ash City - Fifteen Years of Ash: a Story of Survival, Hope and Persistence
Pascal Maitre / pour National Geographic et Geo
Somalia – abandoned by all
Steve McCurry
The Unguarded Moment
Dominic Nahr
The road to nowhere
Eugene Richards / Getty Images Reportage
War is Personal
Jérôme Sessini / pour Le Monde 2 et Le Figaro Magazine
So far from God, too close to the USA
Callie Shell / Aurora Photos pour Time Magazine
Barack Obama
Boris Svartzman
Change in China
Walter Astrada / Agence France-Presse
Bloodbath in Madagascar
Massimo Berruti / Agence VU – Grazia Neri
Pakistan - Fact or Fiction
Miquel Dewever-Plana / Agence VU'
The Other War
Promises and Lies - The Human Cost of the War on Terror
Luca Catalano Gonzaga
Lost Childhood - Bhaktapur, Nepal - April 2008
Ville de Perpignan Rémi Ochlik Visa d'or Award
Massimo Berruti
Pakistan - Fact or Fiction
Promises and Lies - The Human Cost of the War on Terror