23th edition, August 27 to September 11, 2011
Rodrigo Abd / Associated Press
A Peace More Violent than War
Jocelyn Bain Hogg / VII
The Family
Jonas Bendiksen / Magnum Photos pour National Geographic
Bangladesh: On The Frontline of Climate Change
Valerio Bispuri
Encerrados - Travels to South American jails
Chien-Chi Chang / Magnum Photos pour National Geographic
Burma: Inside the Land of Shadows
Barbara Davidson / The Los Angeles Times
Caught in The Crossfire: Innocent Victims of Gang Violence.
Peter Dench
England Uncensored – A Decade of Photographing the English
Bertrand Gaudillère / Item
A Face Behind the Statistics
Cédric Gerbehaye / Lauréat des Bourses Fnac 2010
The Land of Cush
Catalina Martin-Chico / Cosmos
The First Square Kilometer of Freedom: Change Square, Sana’a, Yemen
Fernando Moleres / Panos / laif
Juveniles Behind Bars in Africa
Days Japan
Japan, March 2011. Days Japan - a Selection
Lu Nan / Magnum Photos
Forgotten People - The State of Chinese Psychiatric Wards
Ed Ou / Getty Images Reportage pour The New York times
Children of Men
Paris Match
The Arab Spring by Paris Match
Issouf Sanogo / Agence France-Presse
Ivory Coast
Shaul Schwarz / Getty Images Reportage
Narco Culture
Joao Silva / The New York Times
Brian Skerry / National Geographic
Ocean Soul
Pierre Terdjman / Cosmos pour Paris Match
United we were strong
Riccardo Venturi / Contrasto / Réa
Haiti – the Aftermath
Alvaro Ybarra Zavala / Getty Images Reportage
Colombia, in Eternal Sorrow
Yuri Kozyrev / NOOR pour Time Magazine
On Revolution Road
Martina Bacigalupo / Agence VU'
My name is Filda Adoch
Ville de Perpignan Rémi Ochlik Visa d'or Award
Ed Ou
Children of Men
Yuri Kozyrev
On Revolution Road
ICRC Humanitarian Visa d’or Award – International Committee of the Red Cross
Catalina Martin-Chico
The First Square Kilometer of Freedom: Change Square, Sana’a, Yemen