Bedlam in the Blood - Malaria
John Stanmeyer
VII pour National Geographic Magazine
Malaria has been with us for nearly 4 000 years and remains one of the leading causes of death and illness worldwide. It is endemic in 107 countries and up to 500 million people are infected. In Africa alone nearly 3 000 people, mostly children under 5, die from malaria each day. Over the past ten years these figures have not substantially improved and in fact, according to WHO, they have been getting worse. Drug resistant strains, lack of basic healthcare, war, poverty and insufficient funding for research and prevention have exacerbated the situation.

Photojournalist John Stanmeyer traveled to five countries on three continents, documenting the harsh realities of one of the world's biggest killers (Kenya and Zambia), the ways malaria spreads in urban environments (India), “man-made” malaria with deforestation in the Amazon causing a staggering increase in the number of cases (Peru), education and prevention (Tanzania and Zambia) and also solutions to help put an end to this plague which kills over one million people every year.