It is said that following His rest on the Seventh day, right after Shabbat on the eve of the eighth day, He created Jerusalem from stone. It is also said that He bestowed nine portions of the world’s beauty upon Jerusalem and the one remaining portion He granted to the rest of His creation. There are those who believe that nine portions of the possessed of mankind were also given to Jerusalem.

Ever since Cain killed his brother Abel, brothers have stoned each other to death in this city, holy to the three monotheistic religions, each as intransigent as the stone they are carved from.

During the more than 365 Holy days per year, these brothers worship the very stones they kill each other for. Some kiss the stones Jesus stumbled on while carrying his cross; some fondle the stone in which Mohammed left his footprint as he ascended to heaven, the same stone on which Abraham prepared his son for sacrifice. Other brothers literally talk to a wall of stones as they lament the destruction of their Temple, replaced by Mosques. Sisters too, participate in these activities.

Eve might have covered herself with a fig leaf, but these sisters - in the name of modesty - will cover their hair and wear long dresses down to their ankles. Some will even wear gloves, in order to dissuade any man from stealing even one glimpse of their bare skin.

Brothers too, dress modestly. Some will wear robes and put a crown of thorns on their heads, while other brothers will challenge the heat of the Jerusalem summer sun, dressed in East-European black winter clothes topped with fur hats.

It is said that people who live together begin to resemble each other. There are those who say that the brothers and the sisters of Jerusalem resemble their city, looking as if they too are carved of blood soaked stone.

Esaias Baitel
Jerusalem, April 16, 1998

Esaias Baitel

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