They have seen too much : children in crisis around the World
Carolyn Cole
Los Angeles Times
Children are the silent victims. Facing war, desperate poverty, or natural cataclysm, they cling to mother, father, or one another in their bid to survive. They’re often unable to comprehend the forces that confront them. Having covered crises around the world, I have photographed children suffering at every stop.
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I will never forget Wilmer, a six-year-old Honduran boy who slept on the streets inside a garbage bag for warmth with a brick for a pillow. Nor can I forget the children of Qana, Lebanon as their lifeless bodies were removed from a bombed building during the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah war. Children’s faces tell the story of fear and despair. Their eyes call out for help. They have seen too much.
Carolyn Cole