14th edition, August 31 to September 15, 2002

Abbas / Magnum Photos
Iran Diary 1971 – 2002
Sam Abell / National Geographic
The Photographic Life
Karl de Keyser / Magnum Photos
Amir Shah / Associated Press
Dominique Berretty / Rapho
Ryan Anson
The Philippines, Seeds of Peace in the Land of Promise
Jodi Bieber / Network / Rapho
South African Stories (1995 - 2001)
Magali Delporte
Shadow play... sport without sight
Ziyah Gafic / Grazia Neri
Aftermath or instead of introduction
Lauren Greenfield / VII Agency
Girl Culture
Diane Grimonet
Paris, city of light
Olivier Jobard / Sipa Press
Sangatte : The illegal immigrant’s gateway to the U.K.
Menahem Kahana / AFP
Israel’s Haredim (the “God-fearing”)
Ed Kashi / Rapho
Aging In America
Hien Lam Duc / Agence VU
The people of Iraq
Gerd Ludwig / National Geographic / Visum
Broken Empire - After the Fall of the USSR
Paris Match / Paris Match
“Stars en liberté” - A Day in the Life of a Movie Star
Mark Markov-Grinberg
Charles Moore / Black Star
Powerful Days
J.B. Russell
Angola’s Legacy of Conflict
Maria Stenzel / National Geographic
Diana Walker / Time Magazine
The White House
Felicia Webb / IPG
Nil By Mouth
Yang Yankang / Agence VU
Rural Catholics of Shaanxi, China
Brenda Ann Kenneally