Screening "Premier de corvée"

Palais des Congrès, Charles Trenet auditorium.

Saturday, September 9 at 3pm. Free entrance.

Premier de corvée (52’) [In French only]
A film by Julia Pascual, Camille Millerand and Émile Costard,
jointly scripted by Makan Baradji. Coprod Arte France and 416.

With Camille Millerand, one of the three co-directors, and 2021 winner
of the Canon Video Grant for a Short Film Documentary.
Screening followed by a discussion with the audience.

Makan is from Mali and lives in France, but has no valid residential papers.
He has been working for a number of years now, doing two jobs
so that he can support his family back in Mali. The film tells his story,
the story of thousands of illegal migrants, working, living on the fringe
of society, yet helping run entire sectors of the economy.
