“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

Seeking God, spreading hatred and racism, and the decaying American landscape. These American States, as they are sometimes called, are individual, and at times violently divided, as are the citizens who live within them. People seek solace in forms of religion that vary from the traditional to the arcane: outdoor baptisms to cleanse the soul, snake worshipping to fend off evil.


Fanaticism and racism are being spread by the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Nations, with new generations growing up with Hatred as a father. Freedom of expression and tolerance cross lines of morality.

Anti-abortionists use shock treatment to rally their cause. Governments can abandon once beautiful landscapes, now deserted and laid barren by toxic waste, while women in chain-gangs bury the homeless in the desert. Whose America is it?

Jim Lo Scalzo has crossed the United States to document the extremes of American culture and the callous poisoning of nature’s beauty.

Maria Mann, EPA

Jim Lo Scalzo

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